27 June 2012


Life is often a challenge and there are times when we are nudged out of our nest to experience “the adventure of living”.  Sometimes this can be uncomfortable but ultimately it is life’s challenges and adventures which develop us into stronger, better, capable, more confident and happy beings.

“The vast majority of us are content to settle for the accustomed rather than the adventurous.  We take the little and lose the big.  God has designed us for creative living, creative thinking and creative venture.  We are only truly fulfilled when we live, think and act creatively.”

Many of us want to stay safe and secure, and finish up doing nothing and going nowhere.  Pushing a few doors, being a little adventurous, embracing a challenge and using our inner potential brings a great sense of fulfilment.  Too many of us are discontent with our lives but don’t do anything about it.  Why not spice up that relationship, liven up that job, book that holiday or redecorate that house! 

A turtle doesn’t get anywhere unless he sticks his neck out!

In Canada there is a dirt road leading off the main highway which has a sign on it reading “Choose your rut – you will be in it for the next 20 miles."  Some people have already chosen their “rut” by 40 and stay in it for the next 20 years - sadly they may be missing out on the best 20 years of their life!

Too many of us are asleep while the world is awake.

“You don’t grow old; you get old by not growing.”

Look for those precious gifts which we all have within ourselves – the ability to make others smile, a helping hand, a word of encouragement, a listening ear, and support in times of need.  Each one of us has something hidden within us which we can use for the benefit of others and ultimately ourselves.  Seek and ye shall find.

“It is a universal truth that the most valuable treasures are hidden from clear view.  The pearl is hidden within the oyster.  The diamond is buried deep within the earth.  The gold nugget is concealed in the heart of a great mountain.”

So what are you waiting for?  Get out there and live – renew your strength and soar on wings like eagles…..

Isaiah 40:31

(Excerpts taken from The Divine Eagle by Selwyn Hughes)